Make yourself familiarize the alert
Public Safety Canada had announced that they are planning emergency alert tests in May 5th in most provinces and territories over TV, radio, and mobile devices. Only authorized government agencies can issue alert to widely notify Canadians critical or potentially life-saving alerts so you can take preventative/appropriate actions to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Tests are conducted periodically to be prepared (public awareness or technical testing purposes) so let’s take this opportunity to make ourselves familiarize the alert!
Types of alert that are broadcasted

Is the alert only related to earthquakes?

Good question. According to “Alert Ready,” following types of alerts are broadcasted.

How does the alert tone sound like?

I might get surprised hearing unknown sound. Is there a way to hear the alert tone in advance so I’m prepared?

Yes, Alert Ready website has a link to listen to the tone. You can also check the website to determine the cell phone’s compatibility.

Okay, I will check the website and make sure to pay attention to the alert test to be alert ready!